Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Semester’s Final Weeks: Another Reason to be a Lazy Blogger

(In which I am reaping the consequences of being a full-time employee and a full time student.)
What do you get when you juxtapose teacher’s tasks with students tasks?

You’re right. It’s going be a fun trip to almost-getting-crazy.

I chose this, anyway. But the peachier thing is, there are a lot more things to do and think about than the student-and-teachers’ task. Please do no tell me that I don’t prioritize well. I am really trying my best. So, as an explanation for the lack of posts for this so-so blog, here is the list of tasks that I, the Hetty Pepper (minus the age) of the 21st century have to accomplish:

· Finish all the statistical computations for the dummy case study in statistics,

· Write three lesson plans in literature – one for a short story, an essay and a drama,

· Lead the group that will write the first and fifth chapter of our research paper in psychology with the problem The Impact of the Multiple Intelligence Program to Students’ Self-Construction and Development of Self-Esteem

· Review for all the tests, and

· Finish all the aforementioned tasks in two weeks.

So applicable…
Come to think of it, explanation is just a smarter word for excuse, isn’t it? Or perhaps I was just a sucker for sympathy as if it’s going to be of any assistance. (Go ahead. give me a pat on the back.)

I am currently reading an article on M. I. when the urge to have all my internal rantings posted kicks in. And then I realized that I haven’t finished my comments for the last student. So while I’m saving my comments, and typing a word or two on this post, I am, actually, having a phone class with a student. Define multitasking.

P.S. Thank goodness my next student isn’t picking up the phone. Hallelujah!