Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Movie Trip with Emily

(In which I was shattered for the nth time.)

My student, Emily, has been aching to watch 50 First Dates in our class because she said her last class will be on Thursday since she’ll be studying voice in the University of Fighting Maroons this semester. She was so enthused that she even downloaded the script so we can really “study” it, which, was good news to me since I don’t have any idea on what else to teach for the next three days. So we watched it and I have to press the pause button every time there is an expression worth noticing.

The movie was so good I could have smashed her laptop to stop it from playing. Seriously. What could be more torturous than be submerged in romantic lines and kissing scenes and promises of forever and see a man patiently and desperately making a girl fall in love with him everyday when you are in the middle of an emotional struggle? But nevertheless, it really hit me. And the desperate thought of having someone like Adam Sandler for me surfaced (I mean, someone who really loves me, you know.), which, of course, will only happen if I am as pretty as Drew Barrymore.