Friday, July 30, 2010

The Artist’s Eyes (Part I)

(In which I search for an unbiased, more reasonable vision.)

Not just presentable

but attractive to all the senses.
Fair and smooth
and foreign-branded
are now what we wanted
to elucidate

devoid of character deeper
than mere skin.
Placating by all means,
charming its way
to everything
and everyone
are now what we needed
to be considered
let alone seen.

If an artist sees beauty in all
then could these exteriors be at par with a wall?
Or a lemon peel or a ball
of fire or nothing more
than waves rushing to shore?

If an artist pays
the same interest and attention
to the fair skin of a lass as he does
to mosses on rocks, could he also see
how character builds beauty?
If he does, let me pray
for a pair of irises that recognize

what’s invisible in colors
and cutis textures
and dimensions of youth.

Let me wish
for pupils free from enchantment

of these masked faces.
For liberating are the eyes
that care not for

beauty dictated by




Photo source:Masked